Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 7: Austin

This morning Bear “needed” to go see a man about a conversion van.  Our neighbor at home spent this spring and summer converting an Astro van into a camper van.  Bear has never seen a toy that he didn’t “need” so has been looking up van conversion places on the internet.   What do you know:  there is one here in Austin.   Never mind that we already have one more vehicle than we can comfortably park at our house.  So off he went.  The rest of us had a really great breakfast at Frank.  They have amazing light biscuits with all kinds of wonderful things on them.  I went for the fried chicken on the bacon waffle.  Fantastic!

See, our van is the same as the sag wagons for the race!

kids in the car
Today was the first day of “Q”, barbecue to those not “in the know”.  Chalupa had a place in mind about 20 mi. south of Austin so off we went.  It was a huge place, multiple buildings, gobs of people and really good Q.  We did some wine tasting and played a game of bocce.   Bocce is similar to horseshoes but played with balls and in the Italian style.  Chalupa and Lefty both play softball and so cleaned up on Bear and Panda.  We brought the food back to town to eat at the river walk.  We ended up parking as far from the river as you can get without leaving the park but it was fun to watch the people on the path.  Every dog that went by thought he had been invited to our party.  It was nice to be so popular.

 After another tour and beer run at the Whole Foods we came home and crashed in front of the TV and watched the Huskies give away the ranch.  All in all, not a good weekend for Seattle football.

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