Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 4: Santa Fe to Big Spring, TX

Bug cooking breakfast at the motel

Bear enjoying his breakfast - no waffle for him
 Today was to be our shortest day.  We pulled out of Santa Fe and went east into the mountains (in Western WA we call them hills).  They were covered in juniper with a few pines.  This was almost the first “God made” green we have seen since we left Western WA.  And such a surprise.  We were expecting more browns.  Then we turned south to I-40.  We drove along the edge of a high plateau with grassland and a few very small juniper – more of what we were expecting from New Mexico.  It was like we were in a different dimension.  80 mph felt like 50, 55 like 35.  The road was absolutely straight with only a few gentle rolls.

At Clovis, NM Bear wanted to stop and see the classic train station.  It turned out there was a model train museum in the station.  We had a great time playing with all the models. 
Bug entering Texas for the first time
Today Bug got to add another new state to her list.  Imagine two states in two days!

Our original plan was to spend the night in Lubbock but it was early when we got there so we decided to push on to the next town and make a shorter day tomorrow.  Imagine our shock when at the next little burg there were NO ROOMS!  It turns out Texas Tech in Lubbock had two games over the weekend and not only were there no rooms in Lubbock there were no rooms here either.  We made a really wise decision to have dinner before getting back on the road.  It was only 45 miles to Big Spring, pop 25,000 with 6 freeway exits so getting a room there would be no problem.  Well, as it turned out, there is an oil convention somewhere in west Texas and every room for 150 miles is booked.  Well, almost every room.  We are currently sitting in the lobby of the Hampton Inn waiting for Expedia to send the confirmation for our $350. room!  I do believe this is the most we have ever paid for a hotel room.  But it is better than sleeping in the car on the side of the road.  We did contemplate injuring Bear so we could check him into the VA hospital and then Bug and I could have spent the night at his bedside.  He voted for spending the money instead.

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