Are these fruits beautiful or what!
About 1 mile from the apartment is a farmer’s market with beautiful fruits and veggies. As with our produce, much of it is imported. They did have bundles of horsetail ferns, what for I cannot imagine. And the patisseries! Today we got a liqueur infused layered wonderful thing: cake, custard filling, mocha frosting with pistachios and sesame seeds. And they had wonderful little cookies we thought they were super-cute, oh, and so did they! We are tasting our way across Romania trying mămăligă and papanaşi at every opportunity. Mămăligă is basically polenta but mmm, yummy. Papanaşi is a fresh raised donut cooked when you order it, served warm smothered in berry syrup and crème fresche. This is THE BEST! The schnitzel is wonderful, thin and crispy but still moist. I love the sarmale, cabbage stuffed with chopped meat except the cabbage has been brined like sauerkraut. The goulash soup is fantastic and the paprikash to die for. It is served with potato dumplings – try large gnocchi.
yum yum...i love all that eastern european comfort food!