Bug in the elevator
Bear had rented an apartment for us in Braşov. It is in a building that was started under the communists but finished after the revolution (1989). The apartment is really large and has been updated recently. There are a few quirks. The elevator is a tad small and although we are on the 3rd floor of apartments it is the 7th floor of the building (there are offices on the lower floors). So not using the elevator is not an option. And the toilet paper! It reminds me of the blue paper towels you buy at Schucks, but not quite as absorbent. We have a Non-Stop around the corner from the apartment building. It is a small carry-out and “non-stop” means that it is open 24 hours. It is our source for milk, cereal, water and such. As you know you get better service when the store knows you, well the guy in the Non-Stop knows us so well that when Bear went in to get more toilet paper the guy told him that Bug had just been by to pick up a couple of rolls.
such a great story about the TP. the TP itself does look like it leaves something to be desired :-)