Saturday, October 16, 2010

Million Dollar Highway

We drove highway 550 from Durango to Montrose, CO up and over three 10,000’+ passes (we don’t even count the 8000’ers anymore). It is a BEAUTIFUL road. If you ever get the chance you gotta drive it! The mountains were fabulous and I think we picked the best time of year because (besides the kiddies being in school and their parents being at work) the colors on the mountainsides were wonderful. If we had stopped and taken a photo every time we said “Oh, look” we would have taken all day and needed several more large memory cards for the camera. Just north of Ouray, a little town tucked into a canyon between very tall mountains, we saw what I thought were hairy cows in a field. They were YAKS! Never seen one outside of a zoo before.

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